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fresh breeze 【氣象學】清勁風(五級風)。

fresh gale

It is said that at formerly whenever the fresh breeze blew vigorously , infusing to go into through the copper tube , the current of air that return makes the metal reed flap , the chicken of gold will send out then oh oh oh of call , express the ability intelligent wisdom and ability of the work clever artisan in the ancient times 據說,在從前每當疾風勁吹,通過銅管灌入,回旋的氣流使金屬簧片振蕩,金雞便會發出“喔喔喔”的鳴叫,表現了古代能工巧匠的聰明才智。后由于天長日久,灰塵積塞,金雞才不鳴了。

Three days after the scene we have just described , namely towards five o clock in the afternoon of the day fixed for the signature of the contract between mademoiselle eug nie danglars and andrea cavalcanti , - whom the banker persisted in calling prince , - a fresh breeze was stirring the leaves in the little garden in front of the count of monte cristo s house , and the count was preparing to go out . while his horses were impatiently pawing the ground , - held in by the coachman , who had been seated a quarter of an hour on his box , - the elegant phaeton with which we are familiar rapidly turned the angle of the entrance - gate , and cast out on the doorsteps m . andrea cavalcanti , as decked up and gay as if he were going to marry a princess 在我們上文講述過的那幕場面發生后的三天,也就是說,在歐熱妮騰格拉爾小姐和被那位銀行家堅持稱為王子的安德烈卡瓦爾康蒂將要和騰格拉爾簽訂婚約的那天下午五點鐘左右,一陣清新的微風吹過了基督山伯爵屋前的小花園,伯爵正準備出去,他的馬在焦躁不安地踢著地面,車夫在控制著馬,他已經在他的座位上等了一刻鐘了。

The burning rays of the sun beat vertically down on the crowds ; a faint , fresh breeze played with the hair of their bare heads , and fluttered the ribbons with which the holy picture was decked ; the singing sounded subdued under the open sky 熾熱的陽光烘烤著大地清涼的微風吹拂著人們的頭發和圣像的飾帶,歌聲在寥廓的蒼穹下顯得不怎么響亮。一大群光頭的軍官士兵和后備軍人圍著圣像。

The sea was calm , and , with a fresh breeze from the south - east , they sailed beneath a bright blue sky , in which god also lighted up in turn his beacon lights , each of which is a world 海面上很平靜,他們借著來自東南方向的一陣清新的和風在明亮的藍空下航行,夜空上,上帝也點亮了他的指路明燈,而那每一盞燈都是一個世界。

There for some time he enjoyed the fresh breeze which played on his brow , and listened to the dash of the waves on the beach , that left against the rocks a lace of foam as white as silver 他在洞口站了一會兒,盡情地享受著那拂過他額頭的清新的微風,傾聽著那卷到海灘上來的在巖石四周留下一圈白色泡沫波浪的輕微拍擊聲。

At that instant , in the presence of master s healing voice , a fresh breeze touched his face while his hands lost all their strength 接著一股清新的微風拂上他的臉,而他的雙手在師父撫慰的聲音之中,也軟了下來。

Romantic lavender originated from provence , elegantly kisses each part of your skin like fresh breeze 產自法蘭西普羅旺斯的浪漫薰衣草,如同清風吹來,優雅地親吻著你的每寸肌膚。

Love is not cold and love is not hot ; it is a cool breeze , a fresh breeze , an early morning breeze 愛既不冷也不熱,它是一陣清涼的微風、一陣清新的微風、一陣清晨的微風。

When we resumed our journey and a fresh breeze began to blow , she was wide awake 船再次開動爽風拂面的時候,她機警地醒了過來。

The fresh breeze and bright sunshine quickly attracted sophia 清新的微風和明亮的陽光很快就使索菲婭著迷了。

The day was bright , with a fresh breeze blowing 天氣晴朗,吹來陣陣微風。

The day was bright , with a fresh breeze blowing 天氣晴朗,吹來陣陣清風。

Open the window . baby likes a little fresh breeze 打開窗戶讓寶貝狗吹吹風